Text Structure Using Headings - An Underestimated Seo Lever

Text Structure Using Headings – An Underestimated Seo Lever

How Structuring a text with headings and allowing it to rank better:

A good SEO text is only one of many building blocks of the Search engine optimization . Texts are optimized according to WDF / IDF and the various keywords Importance used to be found with different search terms. An often underestimated but important factor is the structure of the individual headings. In this blog post we explain how to arrange the headings correctly and what to watch out for.

Why H-headings are so important

On an HMTL website, you can choose from six different types of headings. So you can choose from h1 to h6 and format the heading according to importance.
The so-called h-headings help to better structure the individual page or article and thus give the user a better overview Over the side. Especially with longer texts, several subheadings are important so that it is clearer for the user and the individual sections can be read better by Google. Since many users first skim the page and use the headings as a guide, the use of subheadings is recommended. So the user gets a quick overview and decides whether the article is relevant for him.

Should the keyword be in the heading?

Before the matching H*Headings should of course be keyword research Be honored. This is the only way to find out which keywords are relevant for the target group and how much search volume and competition there is for the various search terms.
Since the search engines also read out the various h-tags, it is recommended to also use keywords in the headings.
An important point is: The keyword should come first in an h1. So the reader and the search engine know immediately what the topic is. This keyword should also be the main keyword of the landing page or article and therefore the most important thing.
The secondary keywords can be covered by the remaining h-headings, so that you can also be found for different long-tail terms. Despite these requirements, the headings should always remain natural and legible. Readability comes before keyword optimization.

H1, H3 or H6? How to properly structure headings

The individual headings must be arranged in the correct format. Starting with the H1 heading, which should only appear once on each page. This should be the “strongest heading”, i.e. the most relevant and important. However, it is different with the other h-headings. Depending on the length of the text, these may appear several times. The other headings are subheadings and these are subordinate to the other headings. An h2 can be followed by several h3 headings, but logically no h4 heading. The whole thing then looks like this:


Formatting and using the individual headings correctly is feasible for everyone. If you stick to the individual basic rules and tips and structure the page uniformly and sensibly, you will get a proper structure in the individual pages. Nevertheless, one should make sure to use only one h1 heading and to structure the individual sections sensibly. If you vary the individual headings with different keywords, there is also a higher chance of being found for many different search terms.