How to write an article optimized for SEO?

An article optimized for SEO or optimized for natural referencing is an article well written to satisfy the search intent of Internet users, written above all for humans.

To meet visitors’ search intent, you need to understand the search objective behind a keyword, query. Is your target trying to get information? buy a product? contact the company? etc.

What is a good SEO article?

An article optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is therefore an article written with natural referencing techniques aimed at improving its ranking in search engine results .

Not only does it amplify the visibility of the article, but it also aims to attract more organic traffic to the publishing site

An SEO optimized article has elements such as:

  • strategically placed keywords
  • a clear, easy-to-read structure
  • relevant subtitles
  • internal and external links
  • optimized images
  • a compelling meta description
  • quality and informative content
  • the lexical field that meets the expectations of search engines

The ultimate goal: not only attract, but also retain visitors, encouraging them to explore the site further, thus elevating the credibility and authority of the website , while providing a remarkable user experience .

Although results may take several months to manifest, a consistent approach and meticulous application of SEO techniques can ensure sustainable and impressive performance over the long term.

The impact? A success that resonates for months, even years.

Why optimize your articles for natural referencing?

SEO is more than a technique, it is an essential strategy for being visible online. The benefits of writing an SEO-oriented article are multiple and powerful.

First of all, optimized articles attract more visitors . By precisely aligning content with user queries, your article becomes a relevant answer to their searches, thus generating qualified and targeted traffic to your site.

Your site will be listed faster by search engines and you will have a greater chance of appearing on the first page of Google search results.

Since the majority of clicks are absorbed by the top positions of search results, this visibility is imperative to attract substantial traffic to your site.

SEO-optimized articles not only serve to propel your content into the search engine spotlight, but also create a solid foundation for a long-lasting and influential online presence.

It’s an approach that puts your content where it needs to be: in front of your target audience, when they need it.

Understanding Search Engine Bots

Search engine bots, also known as spiders or crawlers, are automated programs that play a vital role in the SEO process.

These robots have the mission of exploring web pages in order to index them and present them as results when they respond to users’ search queries.

Each robot has its own methodology for “crawling” the content accessible online.

As a general rule, a search robot retrieves all of the content using the page code, to analyze it and determine its theme, its relevance, and various other factors which will influence the positioning of the page in search results.

Although the overall process is understandable, the specific criteria they use remain mostly opaque.

We do not have precise knowledge of these criteria, and they are constantly evolving, reflecting changes in search engine algorithms and user preferences.

And yes, SEO is not an exact science.

Consequently, understanding and mastering SEO comes from practice, the “ test and learn” technique , and the few indications given by search engines.

We can still agree on some “best practices” to make your content easier for robots to understand, such as:

  • Respect the semantic order H1, H2, H3, etc. titles
  • Use semantic tags
  • Filling out meta descriptions
  • Add alt tags for images
  • Etc.

Our 6 tips for writing an article optimized for SEO:

A correct and relevant SEO structure

The structure of an SEO article is important because it helps prioritize content and make it easier for users to read and understand.

Headings and subheadings (H1, H2 tags, etc.) are a great way to structure your article and make your content more accessible.

But how do you create a correct and relevant structure for your article?

  • Use an H1 tag for the main title of your article (only one H1 title per page)
  • Use H2 tags for main subheadings and section titles
  • Use H3 tags for your H2 subtitles
  • The H4, H5 and H6 tags are less used, but can provide additional information
  • Use headings and subheadings that are relevant to the content of your article and help users understand what each section is about
  • Make your titles and subtitles concise and relevant (less than 60 characters)
  • Respect the hierarchy of titles: H1 more important than H2 (see the diagram below)

By using headings and subheadings appropriately, you can improve the readability of your article and help users better understand your content.

This will also help search engines fully understand the content of your page and rank it more relevantly in search results.

You will be able to add relevant keywords in your titles and subtitles. This can help improve the SEO of your content and make it easier for readers to find.

However, your titles must remain catchy and consistent with the content they introduce.

Keywords and a semantic field developed in the article

Keywords are important, but Google’s algorithms get better with each update at understanding your content and evaluating their quality . Dragging two or three keywords on which you want to position yourself is no longer as effective as before.

You must provide quality content .

Working on keywords remains an important step, but you must think about diversifying your vocabulary and your lexical field .

Keywords are terms that describe the content of your page and are used by search engines to understand what your page is about and rank it in search results.

Start by gathering all the keywords that describe your products or services, or even your activities. Choose strategic words or expressions. These terms with their variants and synonyms will help you write an article optimized for SEO (natural referencing) or local referencing.

You should also use these keywords naturally in your content, so that it is easy for users to read and understand.

The more your content contains expressions which describe your subject and which show your level of expertise on the subject , the more easily the engines will grasp their meaning and will be led to give them a good ranking in the results pages.

Here are some tips for using keywords well in your content:

  • Do keyword research to find the most popular and relevant terms for your content
  • Use keywords naturally in your content, without overusing them
  • Use keywords in titles and subtitles of your content
  • Use the keywords in the Meta tags of your page (title and description)
  • Make sure your content is quality and useful for users, above all. Search engines place great importance on content quality and user experience.

The number of words in your content may also be important for the SEO of your article. Depending on the type of article and the subject, the “minimum” number of words will not be the same. The more your article responds to a specific query, the less you will need to elaborate around the subject, since your subject is more restricted.

So there is no right answer regarding how many words to write for your article.

We advise you to study other articles on the same subject, if any, to understand what search engines and users expect as a potential answer.

It is also an opportunity to raise points that your competitors do not have.

Value-added content

In connection with the textual content of your site, you must emphasize the value that you share with your readers.

Remember that your readers are on your page to find the information they came for. Don’t hide it, on the contrary, show it! Internet users want to find this information quickly.

Use diagrams, images and videos to better organize and illustrate your points.

These elements are important in your SEO work. They help the reader find information more easily, but also keep the user on the page by offering them quality content that interests them.

Do not hesitate to use bulleted lists , numbered lists or other elements to facilitate reading so that your content is an SEO-optimized article.

Internal networking (internal links)

Internal links are links that point to other pages on your website. They are important in SEO for several reasons:

  1. They allow users to easily navigate your site and discover other pages that might interest them.
  2. They help search engines understand your site architecture and determine the relevance of your pages for different keywords.
  3. They help distribute your site’s “strength” (called ” link juice “) more evenly, which can help improve your pages’ rankings in search results.

It is important to ensure that you create quality internal links that point to useful and relevant pages for users. You should not hesitate to use keywords in the anchors of your internal links, but you should not over-optimize them either.

A good meta description tag

The Meta Description tag is an HTML element found in the header of your web page and used to describe the content of your page to search engines.

It’s not visible on the page itself, but it appears in search results under your page title.

It’s important to write a relevant Meta Description tag because it can influence the click-through rate (CTR) of your page in search results. If your description is attractive and well-written, it can encourage users to click on your link rather than another.

How to write a relevant meta description?

  • Keep your description short and concise (between 150 and 160 characters)
  • Use relevant keywords for your content
  • Make your description attractive and enticing to click
  • Use calls to action to encourage users to click on your link
  • Make your description unique and not repeated on other pages on your site

It should be noted, however, that search engines will not necessarily display the meta-description that you have provided, they can display another extract of your content if it seems more relevant to them.

However, a good Meta Description tag can help search engines better understand the content of your page and display it more attractively in search results.

Write especially for humans

The content of a site aims to persuade visitors to buy, reserve, register or generally take actions in response to various requests on the site.

We must therefore think about Internet users, the final recipients of these articles . But without neglecting the understanding of the SEO referencing system to increase the visibility of your content.

Sites with grammatically and syntactically careful texts arouse interest, hold readers’ attention more easily and do not escape Google.

Writing an article optimized for natural referencing means having both Internet users and robots in mind to optimize access to information.

Which SEO plugins are used on WordPress?

Let’s talk about the essential SEO plugins on WordPress to power your website.

Choosing an SEO plugin on WordPress is essential for

  • automate key actions
  • ensure that your page meets search engine expectations.
  • offer in-depth analysis of keywords and content
  • guides the user in the SEO optimizations they can make

We have selected for you the 4 best SEO plugins for WordPress:

Rank Math

Rank Math has positioned itself as a must-have SEO plugin for WordPress users. Offering a user-friendly interface and powerful features, this tool’s mission is to optimize your website for search engines and, by extension, boost your online visibility.

Rank Math has a free version accessible to all, and paid features to go further in the configuration.

The main advantages of Rank Math:

  • The user interface: ease of use allowing even beginners to easily navigate through its features.
  • Auto Configurator: The tool offers a setup wizard that guides users through the essential steps of installation and configuration.
  • In-depth analysis: It performs a detailed SEO analysis of content, suggesting relevant improvements to optimize articles and pages.
  • Features: Rank Math has a wide range of features compared to its counterparts
  • Compatibility: Rank Math is compatible with a multitude of WordPress page builders and themes.

Disadvantages of Rank Math:

  • Getting started with the tool: Although the tool is easy to use, some advanced features may require some time to get used to for those uninitiated in SEO.
  • Pro Features: Some advanced features are only accessible with the paid version of the tool.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is probably the most famous SEO plugin on WordPress. It presents itself not simply as a tool, but as a true SEO guide, helping millions of users optimize their content, improve their readability and navigate with ease in the often complex world of SEO.

Just like Rank Math, Yoast SEO has a free and paid version.

The advantages of Yoast SEO:

  • Ease of use: Yoast SEO is praised for its intuitive interface and clear guidelines, making SEO accessible to everyone.
  • Page Preview: The tool offers a convenient preview of your pages and articles as they will appear in search results.
  • Language Accounting: The plugin supports multiple languages, enabling SEO optimization across various language markets.

The disadvantages of Yoast SEO:

  • Cost: Although the free version is powerful, many advanced features are reserved for the premium version, which is paid.
  • Complexity of advanced features: Some options and settings may be complex for inexperienced users.
  • Page 404: The plugin does not monitor 404 pages.


SEO Press is another SEO plugin allowing you to work on the on-page SEO of your site. It also has a free and paid version offering more features.

SEO Press firmly anchors itself in the SEO plugin landscape, bringing to the table ease of use and robustness that appeals to SEO beginners and experts alike.

The advantages of SEO Press:

  • White label: SEO Press is a white label plugin: without advertising, without footprints, and allowing the customization of the tool to your image.
  • Content Analysis: The plugin offers in-depth content analysis, offering valuable advice for advanced SEO optimization.
  • Accessible Pricing: SEO Press stands out for its affordable pricing, making powerful SEO features accessible to all budgets.
  • Universal Compatibility: It features compatibility with all major page builders, ensuring flexibility and easy integration into your WordPress site.

The disadvantages of SEO Press:

  • Paid Features: Although SEO Press offers a free version, several crucial features are locked behind the pro version.
  • User interface: Some users may find the interface a little less intuitive compared to its competitors.


SEOKEY, an SEO plugin for WordPress , is a French creation from the SeoMix agency, an expert in natural referencing on this platform. Launched in 2022, it stands out for its ease of use, an ergonomic interface, and a comprehensive approach to improving the visibility of a site.

The advantages of SEO Key:

  • In-Depth Site Audit: A detailed audit module, offering valuable tips and optimizations to resolve your SEO issues.
  • Ease of use: Clear, jargon-free explanations and an intuitive user interface.
  • Automatic optimizations: Automatic technical improvements for various SEO issues.
  • Data Import: Ability to import data from other SEO plugins like Yoast, Rank Math, and SEOPress.

The disadvantages of SEO Key:

  • Limited Licenses: No offer for an unlimited number of sites.
  • On-Page SEO Recommendations: Suggestions for on-page optimization could be more numerous.
  • External Integrations: Lack of integrations with external SEO tools and page builders.

Using ChatGPT for writing content

ChatGPT can be a valuable ally in your content writing work, however, remember: it complements, not replaces, your expertise.

Using ChatGPT goes way beyond just writing. It assists you in more ways:

  • by integrating a list of relevant keywords
  • thereby broadening the semantic field of your text
  • by analyzing the content of competing articles or pages
  • etc.

Using ChatGPT wisely allows you to speed up your content creation process . ChatGPT won’t replace you, it’s your flair and expertise that propels your content to the top.

We remind you once again, the most important thing is to understand your target and what they are looking for , to meet these expectations and provide the information they are looking for.

SEO checklist: elements to check

It’s not always easy to know where to start when you need to optimize your article for SEO.

Although the SEO WordPress plugins will be able to guide you in these optimizations, we have for you a checklist bringing together the essential (and essential) elements for writing an article optimized for SEO.

Before publication

  1. Keyword research:
    • Identify relevant keywords.
    • Include secondary keywords related to the topic.
  2. Title :
    • Include the main keyword.
    • Make the title catchy and relevant.
  3. Meta description:
    • Include the main keyword and a CTA.
    • Stay within the 160 character limit.
  4. Page URL:
    • Use short, descriptive URLs.
    • Include the main keyword.
  5. Content :
    • Write quality, unique and relevant content.
    • Structure the text with subheadings (H2, H3, etc.).
    • Use bulleted or numbered lists for clarity.
    • Use images, videos, diagrams to illustrate your points.
    • Pay attention to the readability of the content.
    • Vary the semantic field by using expressions and synonyms.
  6. Images and multimedia:
    • Use high quality images.
    • Optimize the size and weight of images.
    • Add alt tags with keywords.
  7. Internal and external links:
    • Add links to other articles or pages on your site.
    • Include links to trusted external sources.

After publication

  1. Mobile Optimization:
    • Ensuring a smooth user experience on mobile devices.
    • Check loading speed on mobile.
  2. Performance monitoring:
    • Use Google Analytics or another analytics tool.
    • Monitor traffic, conversions and user behavior.
  3. Feedback and engagement:
    • Respond to comments and questions.
    • Encourage sharing and discussion.
  4. Content update:
    • Update content regularly.
    • Add new information or correct outdated data.


SEO is more than a technique: it is a necessity to ensure online visibility . An effective SEO article goes beyond just using keywords and tags; it must be structured, informative and above all, user-centered .

The objective is twofold:

  • satisfy search engine criteria
  • offer a fluid and enriching reading to visitors .

Articles must be concise, relevant and directly in line with user queries to generate qualified and targeted traffic.

By respecting the principles of SEO, you not only ensure better visibility of your content on search engines, but also an optimal user experience.

This involves clear writing, precise information and a logical structure.

SEO is not an exact science, but a constant practice, evolving with web trends and algorithm updates. Your content must therefore be agile, adapting to changes while remaining faithful to a clear editorial line and constant added value for your readers.

You are looking for an editor, do not hesitate to call on our content specialists who have mastered all the techniques to write you an SEO optimized article.